Note: we have not listed reports from NTP-MTW missionaries serving in sensitive areas of the worldOUR FEATURED MISSIONARY THIS QUARTER
Scott & Mary Ann Nelson #015418
MTW/Wycliffe Trinity Presbyterian, Plano

Scott and Mary Ann Nelson have been serving as missionaries with MTW and Wycliffe Bible Translators since their acceptance as members in 2000.Their first assignment was with the team in Nairobi, Kenya which provides the Scriptures in the heart language of unreached people groups in Africa.
Now based in North Carolina serving translation teams around the world, Scott provides computer support for Bible translators working in Africa, Europe, South America and parts of Asia. He maintains the servers and services to provide email, language/scripture text version control, remote collaboration and other tools used by translators and support staff. Mary Ann serves as a counselor for missionaries and their families with the stresses and issues they face.
With a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M University, Scott worked for 12 years in computing before joining MTW. Mary Ann received her undergraduate degree from Wheaton College, an M.A. in Biblical Studies from Reformed Theological Seminary and an M.A. in Marriage and Family Counseling from Southwestern Seminary.
Together with MTW and Wycliffe, they seek to take God's Word-Life!-to those still waiting.
The Nelsons have three children: Leigh Ann, Drew, Peter
Rick & Pam Box #010519 Bogotá, Colombia Christ Presbyterian, Flower MoundIn Colombia, Rick is working with the Colombian leaders in training and church planting. Rick pastors the only English speaking church in Colombia and assists in the development of three church plants. They are beginning training centers in English and Spanish in their church building this fall.
On a more personal note, Pam was able to be with her father when lung cancer took his life. Our condolences go to the family and praise for his Christ honoring life.. /
Dawn Brady Sparks #010572 Ukraine Fifth Street Presbyterian, TylerDawn is currently in the U.S. on HMA. She and her new husband, Steve, are living in Austin as they seek to determine whether God is sending them back to Ukraine in the near future.
Meanwhile, Dawn is continuing many of her country-wide financial and administrative duties from the U.S. as she supports the Ukraine team from this side of the ocean. Please pray for Dawn and Steve as they seek to follow where God is leading. You can keep up with them on their ministry blog.
Andrew & Rebecca Bronson #010731 Thailand Park Cities, Dallas“We are well into our first year of seminary work at Covenant in St Louis. Classes are going well, and we've quickly realized we have so much to learn! Andrew is working part-time for MTW while in school, continuing to support the work of MTW Thailand from the States assisting in fund-raising and administration. We continue to pray about the specifics of God's plan for us after seminary, even though that's a few years away - and we plan to spend next summer in Bangkok supporting the team.” Ruth Dinkins #011718 Brazil Christ Presbyterian, Tulsa“I arrived back in Brazil the 16th of July and in PatrocĂnio the 19th. Classes began the 4th of August. I have 2 classes with the first year in their field work, and 2 classes of Christian Education Theory with the 1st year. The rest of my time is observing students in their field work, helping in our work shop, translating materials, producing materials, and informal counseling. I am sorry that I was not able to get to TX to get to know you folks. One of these times it will work out for me to get down your way.”
Peter Dishman #011731 RUF-UNAM, Mexico City MTW/RUM Town North, Richardson“We are past the midpoint of the semester and headed into the final stretch. The Lord has brought some new students to the group and some newer students to faith. Pray that our group might finish strong this semester, and in particular for interns Josh and Amy Oettle as they finish their term of service here and head back to the US.” (English) (Spanish)
Caleb & Aimee Dunn #011783 Mexico Church Planter Training Park Cities, DallasBack home in Monterrey (after HMA), where he grew up; Caleb continues ministering as the Director of the Theological Institute of Ministry in partnership with RTS Charlotte. The institute currently supports church planters and lay leaders with a B.A. in Theology, and also offers continuing education for presbyteries. He also continues to work toward his D.Min in Pastoral Counseling at WTS Philadelphia. /
Ben Graber #012803 Eastern Germany Fort Worth PCAAt the end of his first year of two: “How do I talk about a year like this? We were a little church meeting in a cafe when I got here….. But we are a little church with a home, a team of missionaries who have Done Ministry In the Community…. So here we are, trying to grow into the bigness of what He seems to be doing.” Josh & Amy Oettle #015711 UNAM, Mexico City Park Cities, Dallas The fall semester is well under way for students at the UNAM. Josh and Amy and the team are working with Bible studies and English Clubs and getting in touch with old students and new students. Josh and Amy are soon to finish their short-term mission and return to the States. Pray that their decisions about their future be always glorifying to God.
http://joshandamyoettle.wordpress.comHoward and Deidre Shelden #016816 Wycliffe/Dallas New Covenant Presbyterian, DallasDeidre directs personnel administrators in the Dallas office of Wycliffe USA, helping with the difficult decisions needed to care for and deploy Wycliffe missionaries. Howard writes promotional and publicity materials about Wycliffe missionaries' achievements and milestones to enhance credibility in academic circles and in foreign government relations.
Doug & Masha Shepherd #016819 Ukraine Christ Presbyterian, TulsaDoug and Masha have finished a busy summer training 6 American two-month interns in L'viv. The team also hosted a one week English Camp in the Carpathian Mountains for 53 Ukrianian university students. The team is now busy following up these contacts and starting a few bible studies. The Shepherds are scheduled to visit the States (Home Assignment) for three months this winter. Continue to pray for converts.