Monday, April 21, 2008

John Werner's HINTS Newsletter - April 2008

HINTS International
a charitable trust for
Help In New Testament Study
Rev. John R. Werner, Ph.D., Chairman

Kiev Christian University
Kiev, Ukraine
APRIL, 2008

The islanders showed us unusual kindness.
Acts 28:2, NIV

Dear friends in Christ,

As you may know, the word NIV renders "islanders" is KJV's
"barbarians". The Greek word sounds like "barbaroi," but it doesn't
mean "very low tech". It means they don't speak Greek.

Paul and his shipmates had been blown in the sea for two weeks.
Neither sun nor stars had been seen. So they had no idea, where they
were. But on shore, they learned the islanders did not speak Greek.
So they knew they had been blown far to the west. Everyone east of
Rome spoke Greek.

We Americans, Brits, Canadians, Aussies, some Indians and others
have a great plus for world missions. We speak English, the world's
most wide-spread tongue.

People here in Ukraine have a similar plus. They speak Russian,
the tongue widely spoken in all of the former Soviet Union. Think,
not only of Eastern Europe, but also of all those "stans" of Central
Asia. Almost 70% of Bible-based pastors in this vast area are from
Ukraine. So are half of the mission workers.

So, what a joy it is, to help prepare servants of the Word, here.

My students have done well on their mid-term exams, in all three
courses: Greek Exegesis, General Epistles and Pastoral Epistles.
Please pray we'll do as well, the rest of the term.

I'm booked to return to Dallas May 15. My son, John, is to come
May 18-21 to help me to downsize (Gulp!). And to get the house ready
for showing. I'm 77, my 48-years home-sharer has gone Home, and
I'm still going abroad. So the house has been a burden.

My daughter, Beth, and her husband, Maurice, are buying their first
house. It's a faculty house on a college campus in Santa Barbara,
CA. They've invited me to live in a pair of its rooms. That way, I
won't have to care about the house while I'm overseas. And Beth can
handle whatever snail mail comes to me at that same address.

John has asked me to think of living with his family in Portland,
OR. I'd like that: three of my five grandkids will be there. But I
want to help Beth and Maurice get started on home owning. Also, I'll
enjoy strolling down to the main campus, watching the students, and
praying for them. Maybe, even, I'll be a special blessing to one or
two of them.

It would be nice if Beth's family and I could drive West together.
Their present lease expires June 30; they're to own the house July 1.

I've resigned as Assistant Pastor for Missions of Dallas' Bethel
Church (PCA). And I've applied for the status of retired minister.
But I plan to go on teaching overseas, with HINTS, as long as the
Lord enables.

Does anyone know anyone who needs help in New Testament study this
fall? "Have Greek, will travel."

If you change your e-address, please send me your new e-address.

Your fellow servant,


gratefully serving the Lord Jesus Christ,
through His gracious supply
through the grateful offerings of His people and through
HINTS International Charitable Trust
John R. Edwards, Treas.
7916 Anchor St.
Frisco, TX 75035-6339
HINTS is a "501(c)(3)" org.
All gifts are tax deductible.

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