Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Update from Caleb & Aimee Dunn, MTW-Monterrey, MX

Dear Ministry Partners,

We are coming to the end of a full and exciting semester, as the Theological Institute continues to develop its "discipleship style" of ministerial training, with its focus on the power of the gospel of Christ to radically transform lives. 

We are seeing amazing growth through trial and suffering in Northern Mexico. The economic and security situation here, while improving, is revealing the profound need of an anchor and strength that can only come from outside of the person. The foundations of our society are being shown to be faulty, and the gospel is being shown to be the solid ground that Mexico so desperately needs.

Our family continues to grow, and little Samuel (almost 5 months) is nice and chunky. It has been fun to see his personality begin to emerge as he laughs at his older siblings. Abigail has just finished her first violin book, and Andrew is now using the bow on his cello.

Please pray for us in this very busy time, as I wrap up the Seminary semester, and begin planing for next year. I am very thankful for my Mexican ministry partners. God has blessed our MTW team with unity of purpose.

Please pray for Andrés Garza, Jorge Alemán, Rafael Rodriguez, and me, as we plan for training and church planting this next academic year. Please also pray for Aimee in this intense time, as she home-schools and cares for three kids and one husband. And, please continue to pray for our church planters, who are constantly bombarded, not only with their own needs, but also with the almost overwhelming needs of our churches.

Thank you for your continued prayer and support. 

Your co-labourer for Christ,

Caleb Dunn

Instituto Teológico Ministerial
Theological Institute of Ministry
of Mission to the World
Monterrey, México
(904) 322-8746 (Office from U.S.)

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