Tuesday, May 6, 2008

God has blessed the ministry of BEAMM greatly over the past eighteen years by sending many willing servants to the border to advance His kingdom. As you can imagine, with an area 2,000 miles long, 120,000 square miles in area, and fourteen major border cities, opportunities abound for ministry. We need servants like you to help us reach the over ten million people now living on the border with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

BEAMM serves as an "empowering" agent, providing financial, educational, and human resources to presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church in America on the United States side and presbyteries of the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico on the Mexico side, so that churches may be established and cities transformed with the Gospel.

We have a wide variety of ways in which you can serve for one week, one to eleven months, two to three years, or long term as a career. Please check out the areas of service that we currently have available and then pray how God may lead you to work with our expanding team of missionaries and Mexican national church planters and pastors.

If you are interested in any of the opportunities listed below, please contact Gene Bowman, BEAMM Coordinator, at (915) 838-3747 (home), (915) 892-4778 (cell), or glbowman@beamm.org.

  • BEAMM Regional Director - Eastern Region - Career
    A BEAMM Regional Director drives the work of BEAMM is his region, developing relationships with local churches, helping to recruit new workers and discover educational and financial support for these workers. He also serves as BEAMM's liaison to presbyteries on both sides of the border as well as to BEAMM Partners.
  • The ideal candidate must be a mature man, fluent in both English and Spanish, with good organizational skills. Being an ordained Teaching Elder is a plus, but not a requirement. He must be able to encourage and mentor others, with good leadership development skills. He must be able to raise his own financial support as well as the support for other workers and projects within his region. He must pass an assessment process. He may live on either side of the border in the region where he is working.

  • English Language Trainers - Intern, Two-Year, Career
    Many on the border are eager to learn English. For those who live in the U.S., learning English allows them to assimilate more quickly into the U.S. culture and allows them to find better employment. For those living in Mexico, learning English allows them to better their employment situation, opening up opportunities for advancement in the U.S. assembly plants located all along the border.
  • The ideal candidate may be a man or a lady who is college-age or older with an aptitude for teaching and a command of the English language. English as a Second Language Training will be provided to every candidate. Supervision will be given by the BEAMM Regional Director of the area where the candidate is working. The candidate will be responsible for developing class sites, schedules, recruiting students, teaching students, and routinely evaluating their progress. The candidate will work with a local church so that the Gospel may be presented to the students and so that a relationship may be developed between the students and the local church. Fluency in Spanish is a plus. but not required for interns. Two-year and Career workers will be required to either be fluent in Spanish or be willing to learn Spanish. He must be able to raise his own financial support and pass an assessment process.

  • Seminary Instructors - Two-week, Two Year, Career
    BEAMM is committed to the training of national men in areas of leadership and theology. We are doing this through local seminaries as well as extension learning. In order for these seminaries to be effective, we need mature, competent instructors to teach theological concepts along with pratical application.
  • The ideal candidate should be a mature Christian, very familiar with Reformed theology and the Doctrines of Grace. He should be able to teach in a seminary environment. An M.Div. or higher is a plus, but is not required. Opportunites exist for a person to come to the border to teach a particular class within a one to three-week period. Additional opportunites exist for full-time teachers. Two-year and Career instructors must be able to raise their own financial support and must pass an assessment process.

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