Monday, May 5, 2008

Pastors' Vision Trip: Ukraine 2008

Darrell McIntyre, pastor of Westminster PCA, Gainesville, TX, and Craig Weaver, Associate Pastor of Christ PCA, Tulsa, OK, made a trip with Mission to the World last month to Ukraine to visit the PCA's works in L'viv, Odessa, and Kiev.

What is a vision trip?

MTW vision trips come in all shapes and sizes, but they are designed with you in mind. Some trips target one ministry or geographic area; others are wide-ranging. Although a few trips provide limited opportunity for hands-on ministry, the focus is on vision rather than participation. All, however, offer personal challenge and spiritual growth.

Vision trip participants sometimes come from churches that are exploring new sites or ministry opportunities based on the strategies and objectives of their own church. Others are already committed to particular ministries, but are exploring ways in which they and their church might deepen their involvement. Still others are seeking to develop their own church’s missions focus and strategy, so are interested in a broader ministry overview

Some who visit the field are interested in seeing personally the ministries in which they are investing, or they may be seeking where God might have them invest resources in the future. Just getting a bigger vision for missions, or even seeking direction regarding a possible call to the field, sometimes provide motivation to join a trip.

NTP's MTW Committee offers up to $1000 per minister for a vision trip (funds permitting, of course). Contact the Committee through the Presbytery's website (link at right) for more details.

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